1930s Sculpture Wave


Comb the hair straight back and push it up to see in which direction it falls naturally. If it falls to the right side comb all hair to the right. Start the first wave about in the center of the right eyebrow, Carry the wave across the head where it may be necessary to run a shadow wave just above and back of the ear. The waves are continued from the forehead, directly across the head and toward the nape of the neck. When the waves are completed there will be a semi-circle formed around the right ear at which point a cluster of curls may be made. Or if the hair is short it will all fit into this final semi circular wave.


The difference between a sculptor curl and a pin curl is that the former is made on short lengths of hair, where they are turned into a loose curl.

A nice finish may be given to this wave by not flattening these pin curls to the head, which will cause them to take on the appearance of a drop curl when dry. In pinning them the pins are not placed in the form of an X but the shanks are inserted through the side of the curl straight in toward the head